Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Recently, a lot of my friends have been getting into blogging. I've always really enjoyed writing, so I thought "hey maybe I'll give it a try!" I guess in since this is my first post, I should probably write something about myself. So here's a list of my most favorite things (in no particular order)!

10) Sparkly headbands and bows. I probably wear one of these items in my hair 6 out of 7 days of the week! I love basically all things that involve glitter and sparkles. Also, good tip, sequin headbands stay in your hair really well if you're a person who can't normally wear headbands.

9) Crew neck sweatshirts. I LOVE crew necks. I may or may not be wearing one right now. If I could wear one everyday, I probably would. When I see one in a store, I'm instantly drawn to it. Paired with some yoga pants, that right there is my perfect outfit.

8) My friends. I know everyone says this, but I literally have the best friends in the world. I think I have one of the most fun lives ever, and I owe this all to my friends. They always make me laugh, give me the best advice (even though I never listen at first), and we always have a good ol' time.

7) Lemonade with blueberry vodka. If it's done right, seriously tastes like Smarties.

6) "Dancing like nobody's watching" My dance moves embody that phase. I like A LOT of arm motions, framing of the face, and Bernie-ing. Basically I look like I'm having a seizure on the dance floor, but I love it. I've also been voted best dancer in my sorority two years in a row now. Haters gonna hate.

5) Michigan State! I love this school. I've learned so much over the past few years about everything from Animal Science to life in general and had the time of my life while doing so. I feel like I really fit in here. I know there's a lot of changes to the program that I'm in that disappoint me, but I feel hopeful that there are better days ahead for the program.

4) Laughing. I am always laughing. If the whole laughing makes you live longer thing is true, I am going to be on this Earth for a long time. I find the oddest things hilarious. Example: My best friend's got her senior pictures last night, and they are fantastic (sarcasm might also be one of my favorite things). Being the great friend that I am, naturally I post one on Facebook paired with an inspirational quote. Most people might just chuckle about this...I've literally been laughing for about 1/2 hour now.

3) Cooking. If you know me personally, you're probably reading this thinking "that is the scariest thing I've ever heard in my life", but I can guarantee I'm a better cook than you think! It might take a little bit more effort for me to focus enough to not burn the apartment down, but I think my food is not too shabby!

2) Doing nice/cute things for people. I love to make other people happy. It's like a hobby for me. One of my least favorite things is seeing other people sad, I think it bothers me more than when I'm actually sad. So if ever you need some cheering up, let me know! :)

1) HORSES! Duh, that's the name of this blog! I just love 'em. They've changed my life in so many ways I cannot even begin to explain. In "real" life, I'm uncoordinated, clumsy, and pretty awkward; but when I'm on a horse I actually feel somewhat graceful. My own horse Ruby has taught me confidence, how to deal with success and failure, and how stick the "stop and spin" move she likes to pull. There's been so many nights where I've gone out to the barn either happy and excited to just play around with the ponies, and there's the been the nights where maybe I wasn't so happy and she helped me pick up the pieces. I wouldn't trade my horsey life for anything in the world!

Well, that's all for now!

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