Saturday, December 8, 2012

"I like to be a free spirit. Some don't like that, but that's the way I am." - Princess Diana

I've always considered myself to be a bit of a free spirit. I talk entirely too much at times (I was actually talking about what I should write about for my next blog last night at dinner. The comment was made "Well it sure seems like you have a heck of a lot to say!" So very true.) My brain goes a mile a minute in all different directions. I care too much about the opinions of those who aren't very nice and take for granted the opinions of those who are.  I literally have the attention span of an ant (please see picture below). I'm a total T-shirt and jeans kinda girl that has random phases of loving to dress up (on that note, next time I think wearing six inch heels for seven hours is a good idea, please someone talk me out of it. I'm reasonably certain this is what being hit by a bus feels like). I can be kind of an airhead. I change my hair color all the time, mainly just because I cannot remember what color I actually mean to buy. I never really know how to describe myself because it changes by the day.

 Oh you know, just me...not paying attention. Shocker.

There's been a lot of times where I wish I wasn't such an oddball. Sure, sometimes I wish I could be taken just a little bit more seriously. School would be a heck of a lot easier if I could focus for more than seven seconds. Sometimes, I wish I wasn't so nice to everyone.

Now that I'm a senior in college though, I'm obviously super wise. I've realized the only way to be truly happy is to be yourself, all the time, no matter what. If you're not happy, you're probably acting out of character. Change it. What do you really want to do? What is your gut telling you to do? I've realized that a lot of things I've done that have made me unhappy have been against my better judgement and what I really felt. So listen to your heeeaaaarrrrttttttt

You're welcome for this. Have fun with it being stuck in your head for the rest of the evening.

I'm not sure where all this here deep stuff came from (this is meant to be read in my southern accent that tends to make an appearance frequently. Most of you know exactly what I'm talking about.), but I just took some cold medicine so that might be it!


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